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Ever Wondered What Jacob Wrestling with God Even Means?
A commentary on Genesis 32

Welcome back! This week’s Biblit is a commentary on Genesis 32, where we see the next segment of Jacob’s life. This passage is filled with fear, strategy, and an epic wrestling match. As always, I highly encourage you to read the passage yourself when you have the time. I will recap it here in this week’s Biblit.
If you recall where we left off last week, Jacob fled Laban and took all his wives, servants, and possessions away from the unjust ruler. He began the journey back to the promised land by direct orders from God.
Laban was upset Jacob did this in secret and took off to catch up with them. Once Laban caught up to Jacob, the two men had a heart to heart and Laban was able to say his official goodbye. Then Jacob and his family were free to continue on their journey. This is where we pick up today!
The conflict with Laban ended, but Jacob now faces a new challenge. Remember Esau, Jacob’s twin brother? The last time we saw Esau he wanted to kill Jacob for stealing his birthright and blessing. That’s one reason Jacob fled to Laban in the first place more than 20 years ago. Jacob remembers Esau’s hatred and begins to fear an encounter with him.